, July 27, 2024

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This theme includes the availability of heading tags from H1 to H6 which allows for efficient content organization, visual hierarchy, improved readability, and better search engine optimization.

Heading H1

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4

Heading H5
Heading H6

You will see the naked URL & anchor text links. The naked URL will be like this https://ghost.org/ & the anchor text links will be like this Ghost CMS.


Ghost is a fully open source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication. We power blogs, magazines and journalists from Zappos to Sky News.

Alt Quote

Ghost is a fully open-source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication. We power blogs, magazines and journalists from Zappos to Sky News.

Toggle Card

In the text editor, you can access the toggle card feature by clicking the ''+'' icon or by pressing ''/'' and then t to insert and utilize toggle cards.

Duis posuere enim

I'm primarily a documentary filmmaker. I have a background in journalism, but it’s all in documentary and that kind of broadcast media. I also write and am dipping my toes into narrative, meaning non-fiction filmmaking. And I collaborate with Yaron, my partner, on some of his art projects, kind of from a producing side of things.

Ut placet demorcker

Quae in controversiam veniunt, de iis, si placet, disseramus. Iam quae corporis sunt, ea nec auctoritatem cum animi partibus, comparandam et cognitionem habent faciliorem. Quam ob rem tandem, inquit, non satisfacit. Isto modo ne improbos quidem, si essent boni viri. Qui autem esse poteris, nisi te amor ipse ceperit. Utilitatis causa amicitia est quaesita.

Let's choose a ghost theme

Newsportal is the best theme for creating a new portal website. comparandam et cognitionem habent faciliorem. Quam ob rem tandem, inquit, non satisfacit. Isto modo ne improbos quidem, si essent boni viri. Qui autem esse poteris, nisi te amor ipse ceperit. Utilitatis causa amicitia est quaesita.

Callout Card

In the text editor, you can find the Callout Card feature by clicking the "+" icon or by pressing "/" and then "c". Once you select the Callout Card, you can choose from 9 color options and customize it further by double-clicking on the emoji and replacing it with any emoji of your choice.

Quae in controversiam veniunt, de iis, si placet, disseramus. Iam quae corporis sunt, ea nec auctoritatem cum animi partibus, comparandam et cognitionem habent faciliorem. Quam ob rem tandem, inquit, non satisfacit. Isto modo ne improbos quidem, si essent boni viri. Qui autem esse poteris, nisi te amor ipse ceperit. Utilitatis causa amicitia est quaesita.
Inquit, etsi enim illud erat aptius, aequum cuique concedere. Atqui reperies, inquit, in hoc quidem pertinacem. Quae quo sunt excelsiores, eo dant clariora indicia naturae. Sed haec quidem liberius ab eo dicuntur et saepius.
Nunc volutpat risus malesuada nunc convallis, rhoncus sollicitudin nisl porta. Maecenas vestibulum dui nec enim ultricies ultricies. Phasellus mollis sapien quis ex dapibus, vel fringilla tortor condimentum. Nullam vitae luctus ipsum.
Etiam sollicitudin magna est, et eleifend felis pretium et. Donec et lorem ac ligula auctor imperdiet. Vivamus id risus ligula. Sed enim nunc, accumsan a justo quis, rhoncus vehicula leo. Sed in dignissim purus.
Coming up with filler text on the fly is not easy, but it is becoming more and more of a requirement. Fortunately, some designers and developers around the web know this and have put together a bunch of text generators to help you present your vision
Sed vocent recusabo nominati ut, has brute sensibus te. An putent debitis ius, ad cum wisi eleifend, pri ea dicit assueverit. Facete tritani his id, feugait delectus te nec. Eum graeci integre invenire ad. In iisque quaeque mei, qui te alia graecis cotidieque, ea nostro deleniti has.
Sed vocent recusabo nominati ut, has brute sensibus te. An putent debitis ius, ad cum wisi eleifend, pri ea dicit assueverit. Facete tritani his id, feugait delectus te nec. Eum graeci integre invenire ad. In iisque quaeque mei, qui te alia graecis cotidieque, ea nostro deleniti has.
His fastidii philosophia ei, erant utinam ceteros cu eam. Per an mundi recusabo. Harum tacimates disputationi mei at, causae sensibus pri an, quo soluta epicurei delectus in. In prompta adversarium mel, sit in porro debet tibique, mei aliquam dolorem ea.
His fastidii philosophia ei, erant utinam ceteros cu eam. Per an mundi recusabo. Harum tacimates disputationi mei at, causae sensibus pri an, quo soluta epicurei delectus in. In prompta adversarium mel, sit in porro debet tibique, mei aliquam dolorem ea.

Button Card

In the text editor, you can access the button feature by clicking the "+" icon or by pressing "/" and then "b". Once you select the button option, you can choose between two alignment options: left-side alignment and middle alignment.

Product Card

In the text editor, you can access the product option by clicking the "+" icon or by pressing "/" and then "p". Once you select the product card, you will find fields to upload an image, enter a title, provide a description, add a rating, and include a button. Simply upload your details into these respective fields and utilize the product card as desired.


Newsvolt is a professional news and magazine ghost theme with highly focused on publishing and blogging platform. It is very simple and easy to use on Ghost blogging platform for Newspapper, Magazine, Business, Personal blog. 

Get Theme

Header Card

In the text editor, you can access the header option by clicking the "+" icon or by pressing "/" and then h. Once you select the header card, you will have three size options: small, medium, and large. In the style section, you can choose from three colors or add an image by clicking the "+" icon. And you will find a button icon within the header card to further customize its appearance.

Full-width Header Card in 2 columns

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Download compressed images either separately or get them all, grouped in a ZIP archive

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Full-wide Header card

Electron Theme

Premium Ghost Themes Marketplace and Customization

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Full-width Header Card with background image

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Small Header Card

Discover Our Unique Creation

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.

Uploaded Videos File


Video uploaded locally

Uploaded Audio File

Sw 1117 inspiring soft background 47 NWM

File/ Documents Card


In the text editor, you can access the image option by clicking the "+" icon or by pressing "/" and then "i". Once you select the image card, you will have three size options: regular, width, and full width. You can choose the appropriate size for your image and utilize the image card accordingly.

Normal image
Wide image
Full Width Image

In the text editor, you can access the Gallery option by clicking the "+" icon or by pressing "/" and then "g". Ghost supports image galleries where you can include up to 9 images at a time.


Ghost(Pro) - Official managed hosting for Ghost
The best Ghost managed hosting from the creators of the open source publishing platform. Spend less time on your server, more time on your site.
Premium and Free Ghost CMS Blog Themes Marketplace | Electronthemes
Ghost CMS Themes Marketplace for Premium & Free Ghost Themes, WordPress, HTML Website Templates for eCommerce, Blogging, and Also for Multipurpose Business Websites.

List Types

In the text editor, you can use two types of lists: ordered and unordered. To create an ordered list directly in the text editor, press "1." and a "space", and for an unordered list, press "*" and a "space".

To create nested lists using markdown in the text editor, click on the "+" icon or press "/" and then m and click on the markdown card. Once the markdowns are open, press "*" and a "space" on the first line for an unordered list.

For the second level of the list, press "double space", and a "*" and a "space".

To create a third-level list, add four spaces and "*" and a "space", and for the next levels just add additional "two spaces" for each level.

Unordered List

  • Darkness isn't his deep were god moveth hath greater.
  • Gathered deep, it moving god fruitful likeness.
  • Image tree midst after under said saying seas years
  • All kind unto heaven male, were may behold subdue every.

Ordered List

  1. That. Wherein fruit, air called whose seas over.
  2. Their evening kind set said can't form open earth.
  3. Beast living creeping beast face morning fifth green.
  4. Void creeping subdue, cattle fill. Midst set.


Highlighting text can help bring important information immediately to the reader's attention. When creating a highlighting text, all you need to do is add a == before and after your text in a Markdown card.

Responsive Embedding Features

In this theme, you have the flexibility to embed a wide range of popular videos, audio files, and images effortlessly. Simply click on the "+" icon in the text editor and choose your desired platform from the available options. The theme ensures that the embedded content is responsive and seamlessly integrated into your page. Enjoy the convenience of hassle-free embedding with a variety of media formats.

Video Embedding

Youtube video

Vimeo Video

Audio Embedding

Sound Cloud Audio

Twitter Embedding

Image Embedding

Modelo: @loh_oliver
Photo: pie_schwarzler 
Local: terraço na XV, Curitiba-PR
Photo by Pietra Schwarzler / Unsplash

Responsive Tables

Ghost supports responsive tables, which will display a horizontal scroll bar on smaller screens to accommodate the full content. You can create a responsive table in two ways:

Using an HTML Card: In the text editor, access the table option by clicking the "+" icon or pressing "/" and then "h" to open the HTML card. Customize the HTML code provided below to suit your needs, and then paste it into the HTML card.

        <th>Table Header 1</th>
        <th>Table Header 2</th>
        <th>Table Header 3</th>
        <td>Division 1</td>
        <td>Division 2</td>
        <td>Division 3</td>
         <td>Division 1</td>
         <td>Division 2</td>
         <td>Division 3</td>
         <td>Division 1</td>
         <td>Division 2</td>
         <td>Division 3</td>

Using Markdown: In the text editor, access the table option by clicking the "+" icon or pressing "/" and then "m" to open the markdown card. Use the markdown code below as a template, customize it with your table headers and data, and paste it into the markdown card.

| Table Header 1 | Table Header 2 | Table Header 3 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 |
| Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 |
| Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 |

For both HTML and Markdown, the table will be displayed as shown below.

Table Header 1 Table Header 2 Table Header 3
Division 1 Division 2 Division 3
Division 1 Division 2 Division 3
Division 1 Division 2 Division 3


If you’re a technical writer, you may want to use example snippets of code to teach your readers a particular syntax. Using a single backtick (`) around a word in a sentence, you can show a quick code snippet. three backticks (```) will turn an entire paragraph into a code block.


<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4">
  <div class="single-author-card">
    <div class="author-card">
      <div class="author-img">
          <img src="assets/img/authors/author-2.jpg" alt="author">
           <!-- social media -->
            <div class="social-portfolio">
              <a href="#"><em class="fab fa-facebook-f"></em></a>
              <a href="#"><em class="fab fa-twitter"></em></a>
              <a href="#"><em class="fab fa-linkedin-in"></em></a>


// social-profile
.social-profile {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;

    a {
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        position: relative;
        height: 32px;
        width: 32px;
        margin-right: 15px;
        border-radius: 5px;
        background-color: transparent;
        transition: 0.4s;    

Java Scripts

const pres = $("pre")
    pres.each(function (i) {
        var $this = $(this),
            $attr = $this.attr('class')
        if ($attr !== undefined) {
            var langName = $this.attr('class').split('-')[1]
        } else {
            var langName = "Text"
        $this.wrap('<div class="code-wrapper"></div>')
        $this.attr('id', 'data-clipboard-target-' + i)     
    var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.copy-clipboard-code');
    clipboard.on('success', function (e) {
        e.trigger.textContent = 'copied'

Few Other Styles

Bold Text: This is Bold text example.
Emphasize: This text is emphasize.
Strike-through: I am A strike-through text.


To create footnotes in your text editor using Markdown, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Markdown editor in your text editor.
  2. Paste your text into the Markdown editor.
  3. Place the footnote placeholders [^1], [^2], [^3], [^4], [^5], and etc. within the text where you want to reference the footnotes.
  4. In the reference section of your document, add the corresponding footnote text. Start each footnote with the identifier and a colon, followed by a space, like [^1]: space. This is the first footnote.
  5. Repeat this process for each additional footnote, using a unique identifier for each.
  6. If you have a long footnote, you can use the identifier [^longnote].

For example:

In your text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet [1], consectetur adipiscing elit [2]. Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

  1. This is the first footnote. ↩︎

  2. This is the second footnote. ↩︎

Please note that the actual footnote text and identifiers should be customized according to your specific content.