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10 Must-Read Tech Sites to Stay Updated

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10 Must-Read Tech Sites to Stay Updated

Are you looking for the most credible voices in technology news? The rise of online publications and blogs has resulted in a flood of information regarding computers, mobile gadgets, software and operating systems. It can be difficult, however, to know which websites you can trust. Here are some of the most trusted websites; these will help you keep up with the constant flow.

First on the list is Ars Technica, simply because of the date of inception. This site has been around for nearly two decades, a very substantial amount of time. The publication, now owned by Conde Nast, is a go-to for both tech professionals and hobbyists. Ars Technica features a wide range of news and editorials, delving into business, legal ramifications, security, and other consumer interests.The dialogue isn’t a one-way street, either.

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If you want to get the scoop on technology startups, then TechCrunch is the news source for you. This publication highlights the business side of tech innovation, covering major acquisitions, funding sources, and product launches. You can browse news based on brand names, such as Google, Apple, or Twitter. You can also sift through news and reviews by tuning into different category channels like Enterprise, Startups.

Engadget makes number three on our list, because it’s a great multilingual resource. Impressively, this resource has been helping people make informed tech purchasing decisions since 2004. It’s no surprise that the collection of blogs on Engadget have had such success, since it was created by a co-founder of Gizmodo, Peter Rojas.Interestingly, the editorial team involved in steering Engadget to fame has moved on to pursue several.

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If you’re looking for a site that can help with projects, then check this one out. Tom’s Hardware features a unique “build your own” section, where you can learn how to build your own computer. Anyone who’s replaced a computer part or built a PC will tell you how difficult it is to track reviews, part upgrades, and the latest sales. Furthermore, seasoned.

Together with the World Economic Forum, Scientific American convened an international Steering Group of leading technology experts and engaged in an intense process to identify this year's “Top 10 Emerging Technologies.” After soliciting nominations from additional experts around the globe, the Steering Group evaluated dozens of proposals according to a number of criteria: Do the suggested technologies have the potential.

If you want to get the scoop on technology startups, then TechCrunch is the news source for you. This publication highlights the business side of tech innovation, covering major acquisitions, funding sources, and product launches. You can browse news based on brand names, such as Google, Apple, or Twitter. You can also sift through news and reviews by tuning into different category channels like Enterprise, Startups.

hardware tinkerers are faced with a dizzying array of components to choose from. Fortunately, Tom’s Hardware helps you cut through the noise and get sound advice on computer parts, from tower cases to motherboards. As stated above, this is the ultimate resource if you’re thinking about building a computer, particularly for gaming.

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