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Jodie Hunter

Jodie Hunter

11 posts

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  Dec 23, 2020

10 Must-Read Tech Sites to Stay Updated

Are you looking for the most credible voices in technology news? The rise...

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  Dec 23, 2020

5 Emerging technologies of 2021 A new report compiled by the World Economic Forum

Droid friends and assistants are becoming part of everyday life, and are being used increasingly to care of the elderly, educate children and undertake all sorts of tasks in between.Making the lenses used by mobile phones,...

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  Dec 21, 2020

The Birth of Intuitive Fitness

Plenty of people who are interested in this field are well aware of the ‘intuitive eating’ concept. This is where a person essentially listens to their body and eats what they want, when they are hungry, until they are full....

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  Dec 19, 2020

National Nutrition Week 2021 are well-balanced

Being pregnant while a pandemic is on can be distressing. Especially for first-time moms, who are discovering the experience amid a global health crisis. But mothers-to-be have to be mindful of their health, no matter what....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Food’s stories of 2021 in a different way it’s time to look ahead

Now that December is approaching, it’s time to look ahead at how people will eat next year. From more automation to new flavors and “motherless meat,” here are the top dining trends in 2019, according to the latest....

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  Dec 18, 2020

5 Best websites to sell art online

When we talk about the top places to sell art online, it’s best to keep things simple. Bigger websites get more visits. If you’re depending on income from your art, it’s an easy decision to look for places where success has been proven....

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  Dec 18, 2020

5 Art Websites that Will Inspire You

Art has the power to make us think outside the box, ask questions, fascinate and inspire curiosity. Whether the medium is through paint, photography or design, art is something that surrounds us every day and is objective in taste....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Graphic Design Trends 2021 Video Overview

Creative Market offers various resources on fonts, graphics, templates, web themes, popular 3D elements and new concepts on design. It is a one-stop-shop for top design resources from independent creators....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Why Your Business Needs a Website in 2021

And basically, why we used the term, “small business” is because, in the...

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  Dec 18, 2020

How are Medicare benefits changing for 2021?

For care received in skilled nursing facilities, the first 20 days are covered with the Part A deductible that was paid for the inpatient hospital stay that preceded the stay in the skilled nursing facility....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Progress in Kidney Care Starts at Home

A new Medicare program aims to increase the proportion of patients using home dialysis and receiving transplants....

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