, July 27, 2024

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Isaac Perkins

Isaac Perkins

11 posts

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  Dec 23, 2020

10 Must-Read Tech Sites to Stay Updated

Are you looking for the most credible voices in technology news? The rise...

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  Dec 19, 2020

Top 10 food and beverage trends for 2021

Edible flowers and botanicals like wild sorrel, juniper, maple blossoms, and balsam add a delicate and unique sweetness to a dish and are predicted to boom in 2020.Sour foods are growing in popularity because of exactly what they are not: sweet....

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  Dec 19, 2020

The Biggest Food Trends of 2021, According to Chefs

Leading up to 2020, chefs predicted more plant-based meals, fast-casual dining, and kelp, and their predictions came to fruition, to varying degrees, over the last year in dining rooms around the country....

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  Dec 19, 2020

National Nutrition Week 2021 are well-balanced

Being pregnant while a pandemic is on can be distressing. Especially for first-time moms, who are discovering the experience amid a global health crisis. But mothers-to-be have to be mindful of their health, no matter what....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Food’s stories of 2021 in a different way it’s time to look ahead

Now that December is approaching, it’s time to look ahead at how people will eat next year. From more automation to new flavors and “motherless meat,” here are the top dining trends in 2019, according to the latest....

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  Dec 18, 2020

5 Best websites to sell art online

When we talk about the top places to sell art online, it’s best to keep things simple. Bigger websites get more visits. If you’re depending on income from your art, it’s an easy decision to look for places where success has been proven....

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  Dec 18, 2020

The Global Apparel Industry

There were also acquisitions and layoffs in the industry. The industry also had to survive floods, labor disruptions, a surge in raw material prices, currency appreciations and many more....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Covid-19 Implications for the Health Care System

The pandemic has significantly undermined health insurance coverage in the United States. A sudden surge in unemployment — exceeding 20 million workers1 — has caused many Americans to lose employer-sponsored insurance....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Product Photography Ideas

The New York Institute of Photography is the world's top online photography school. We strive to serve photographers all over the world and we frequently produce free photography tips and photo tutorials....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Fat & Furious Burger for Lunch

Thomas and Quentin are the master mind behind Fat & Furious Burger, a blog and a project we might call an accident on their way to lunch....

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  Dec 16, 2020

Creating a custom theme

Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme designed for publishers which can easily be adapted for most purposes, or you can build a custom theme to suit your needs....

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