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Sophia Henry

Sophia Henry

10 posts

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  Dec 23, 2020

Top 7 Emerging Technologies

Cellulose, the most abundant organic polymer on earth, is a major component of plant cell walls; lignin fills the spaces in those walls, providing strength and rigidity. To make plastics from those substances, manufacturers must first break them into their building blocks, or monomers....

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  Dec 19, 2020

The Biggest Food Trends of 2021, According to Chefs

Leading up to 2020, chefs predicted more plant-based meals, fast-casual dining, and kelp, and their predictions came to fruition, to varying degrees, over the last year in dining rooms around the country....

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  Dec 18, 2020

24 food markets in London something in a more

If we took one thing away from our painstaking trawl of London’s greatest street food villages, promenades and converted warehouses……it was a second box of accelerate from Kappa casein.But we also took home something in a more enriching, metaphorical sense....

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  Dec 18, 2020

5 Art Websites that Will Inspire You

Art has the power to make us think outside the box, ask questions, fascinate and inspire curiosity. Whether the medium is through paint, photography or design, art is something that surrounds us every day and is objective in taste....

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  Dec 18, 2020

19 Best Art Websites For Artists and Online Art Galleries 2020

Are you an artist who wishes to build an online presence? Do you think that building an art website is what you need to positively build up your reputation? If you do, then this excellent list of art websites is truly a demand!...

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  Dec 18, 2020

How are Medicare benefits changing for 2021?

For care received in skilled nursing facilities, the first 20 days are covered with the Part A deductible that was paid for the inpatient hospital stay that preceded the stay in the skilled nursing facility....

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  Dec 18, 2020

What Makes a Good Photo?

In February last year I was looking around an entire gallery of competition winners. One thing that struck me was the fact that I struggled to find an image that hadn’t been heavily Photo shopped....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Negative Effects Of Junk Food On Health Essay

Though your children may ask for junk food because they like the taste or because their friends are eating it, you undoubtedly already know that junk food can have negative effects on them....

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  Dec 16, 2020

Welcome to Ghost

Welcome, it's great to have you here. We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial getting started posts that will help you get familiar with everything in no time....

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  Dec 16, 2020

Managing admin settings

There are a couple of things to do next while you're getting set up: making your site private and inviting your team....

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