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Oliver Hutchinson

Oliver Hutchinson

9 posts

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  Dec 23, 2020

Top 7 Emerging Technologies

Cellulose, the most abundant organic polymer on earth, is a major component of plant cell walls; lignin fills the spaces in those walls, providing strength and rigidity. To make plastics from those substances, manufacturers must first break them into their building blocks, or monomers....

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  Dec 21, 2020

Industry Trends That Could Define 2021

Trends come and go, but it’s always fun to see what’s up and coming. From new classes and tech-driven trends to using genetics to inform workouts, the fitness industry trends of 2020 look very exciting....

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  Dec 18, 2020

5 Best websites to sell art online

When we talk about the top places to sell art online, it’s best to keep things simple. Bigger websites get more visits. If you’re depending on income from your art, it’s an easy decision to look for places where success has been proven....

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  Dec 18, 2020

19 Best Art Websites For Artists and Online Art Galleries 2020

Are you an artist who wishes to build an online presence? Do you think that building an art website is what you need to positively build up your reputation? If you do, then this excellent list of art websites is truly a demand!...

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  Dec 18, 2020

Raise your style quotient with berets

This winter is all about trendy accessories to raise your style stakes. And designers and celebrities have umpteen of fashion inspiration for that. The classic French cap or the beret is being seen a lot on celebrities....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Saint Laurent reveals latest collection

There were no spectators, no influences, no fashionistas, at Saint Laurent’s presentation of its 2021 Women’s Summer collection, only drone footage of models walking on the crest of a tall sand dune in the middle of a honey-colored desert....

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  Dec 18, 2020

The Global Apparel Industry

There were also acquisitions and layoffs in the industry. The industry also had to survive floods, labor disruptions, a surge in raw material prices, currency appreciations and many more....

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  Dec 18, 2020

Starting Out in Photography

Try not to be put off by the sheer number of photographers out there doing business all around you. Especially if you are in a built up, busy area. Just understand that it is a huge market and you can easily grab your own share if that is what you want....

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  Dec 16, 2020

Creating a custom theme

Ghost comes with a beautiful default theme designed for publishers which can easily be adapted for most purposes, or you can build a custom theme to suit your needs....

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